May 9- Falling Off the High Horse


Two Kentucky farmers were always competing. For years they both prided themselves on having the very best breed of horses in their stalls. As the Kentucky Derby rolled around both farmers hired jockeys to ride their horses in the famous race. The rivalry was so strong between the farmers it affected the relationship of the jockeys as well.

On the day of the race there was much hype and anticipation as to which farmer raised the better horse. All eyes were on these two horses. The race began and the horses were neck and neck. Toward the end of the race the horses collided and threw the jockeys off the course. Both jockeys immediately jumped on the horses and finished the race with one coming in first, and the other in second. The one in first place ran to the farmer and exclaimed, “I won, I won!” The farmer reply, “You won alright you idiot, but you won on the wrong horse!”

The truth is no one wins with jealousy. It is a bitter root that blossoms into an ugly flower. Jealousy is the ultimate idolatry- for it is places total concentration on self and gives little or no value to the well-being of others. Jealousy takes place at the intersection of insecurity and selfishness. It is the most dangerous of loves- for it is the love of self.

Jealousy takes place at the intersection of insecurity and selfishness” – Kenneth Kuykendall

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May 8- Keep the Windows Clean


There was an older couple who watched their neighbor every morning through their window.  As the younger neighbor hung her clothes out to dry on the line the elderly woman noticed how dirty the clothes looked and commented to her husband about the filthy garments.  The next morning the same thing happened.  As they sat at their kitchen table, they ate breakfast and talked negatively about the dirty clothes of the neighbor.  This went on for several weeks.

One morning however, they woke up and looked out the window; much to the elderly woman’s surprise she said, “Honey, look there! Her clothes look so much better.  Someone must have taught that poor lady how to clean those clothes properly.”  Her husband replied, “No Dear, I just got up earlier today and washed our windows!”

It is much easier to see the dirty laundry of other people when we fail to notice the dirty windows of our own lives.  It is a very dangerous thing to be judgmental.  Jesus said, “Why beholdest thou the mote that is in thy brother’s eye, but considerest not the beam that is in thine own eye” (Matthew 7:3).  I have learned in my own life- when I spend more time trying to fix myself, I spend less time trying to fix others.  Keep the windows clean, and you’ll not see the dirty laundry!

When I spend more time trying to fix myself, I spend less time trying to fix others” – Kenneth Kuykendall

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May 7- Don’t Let the Rain Stop You


There was a young man who wrote a romantic letter to his girlfriend to express his love and affection toward her. He wrote:

My Dearest Sarah,

I would cross the hot Sahara Desert on my knees just to spend one minute with you. I would swim the cold, shark-infested waters of the Pacific just to see your lovely face. I would climb the freezing terrain of Mount Everest just to hear you speak my name. I would fight a herd of raging lions just to hold your hand. My dear Sarah, l love you deeply, long for you sincerely, and need you desperately.

Your one true love,


P.S. I will see you on Thursday if it doesn’t rain.

We say we want to be with God- that we long for His presence in our lives. We may even go as far to profess certain promises at certain times; but when it gets down to it, there are numerous things that keep us from growing in our relationship. If not carefully guarded, we can allow the smallest of inconveniences to hinder us in our relationship with God. The Lord wants more than a confession, He wants a commitment. Don’t allow the rain to keep you from being with Him.

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May 6- And the Survey Says…


One of my favorite game shows growing up was Family Feud. Families would compete (feud) with one another by trying to guess the answers of particular surveys. The answers were always based upon the popular opinion of 100 people. Oftentimes the answers that I thought would be up on the board were not; and vice versa. Although the show was entertaining it was not always exact; and the reason being is because truth is not based upon the opinion of people. Truth is derived from the Word of God.
We live in a culture today however that wants to accept opinion as truth. Instead of referring to the Bible many times we consult a group of “experts” and base our judgment upon their thoughts. This approach is even being adopted in many churches. In an attempt to reach the masses we have appealed to the masses. At the end of the day however, the masses are in the same spiritual condition they were in before we made the appeal.
What you and I think about something is always trumped by what God has already said about something. Instead of taking a survey we need to take the Scripture and find our answers there! It doesn’t matter what the survey says…what does the Savior say?

Parts and parcels of truth are the most envenomed shafts which fly from the bow of Satan” – William Howells

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May 5- The Outlook of Occupation


According to Forbes Magazine most Americans are unhappy with their jobs.  Nearly 84% of those surveyed, if given the option of changing occupations, would change their careers tomorrow.  In the same study, when asked how they felt about their jobs (love, like, dislike, or hate), 72% stated they either disliked or hated their job.

Some of the reasons cited for such disdain toward their occupation included: unfair pay or compensation, stress of assignments, bad relationship with co-workers, insensitive boss, and long hours.  The number one reason given however was lack of inspiration.  Most Americans want to feel as though they are making a difference in their jobs, and a vast majority feels uninspired about what they are doing.

The Word of God offers a solution.  The Bible says, “Whatsoever ye do, do all to the glory of God” (1 Corinthians 10:31).  Instead of changing occupations we should consider changing outlook.  If you are a plumber, be a plumber for God.  If you are a dentist, be a dentist for God.  If you are a hair-dresser, be a hair-dresser for God.  The one who signs your check is not your Employer- God is!  And if we would do what we do for His honor and glory it would change our attitude about what we do and how we do it.

If you don’t change the direction you are going, then you’re likely to end up where you are heading” – John C. Maxwell

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May 4- Don’t Waste Your Life

Man on Dock

In the twenty-fifth chapter of Matthew Jesus gave the Parable of the Talents.  The Master of the house distributed three different quantities of talents to his servants.  These servants were managers over their Master’s assets during his time of travel.  Upon his return he examined their progress by the investments made.  The story of the talents is really a story of stewardship.  Everything we have belongs to God, therefore, life is not about what we own (He owns it all); it is about how we occupy what He owns.  There are three primary lessons when it comes to the subject:

1. The Lesson of Responsibility– not everyone receives the same measure of responsibility; but everyone has been given something of God.  We are to value the gifts of God and use them in such a way that brings Him honor.

2. The Lesson of Review- one day the Master of the House is coming back and what we have done with what He has given will be evaluated.  We must all appear at the Judgment Seat of Christ to give an account.

3. The Lesson of Reward– the Master took the talent from the unproductive man and gave it to the most productive servant.  God keeps good records of our life; and everything we do for Him will be honored by the Lord.

Be careful to make good improvement with previous time” – David Brainerd

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May 3- Running for Your Life


Legendary coach of the University of Alabama Bear Bryant tells the story of a game-ending nail-biter.  In the last few minutes of the fourth-quarter Alabama was up by six points.  Coach Bryant calls a safe play to the quarterback just to run down the clock and get through the game with a victory; but the quarterback has a different plan.  When the quarterback comes into the huddle he said to the other players, “Coach says to play it safe, but that’s what they are expecting- let’s change it up and do a pass play.”

When the quarterback threw the ball it was intercepted by one of the fastest defensive backs in the division.  As the champion sprinter raced toward the end-zone the quarterback, who was not known for his speed, raced after him and tackled him on the 5-yard line.  This saved the game for Alabama.

After the game was over the opposing coach asked Bear Bryant, “I thought your quarterback was slow- how did he catch my star sprinter?”  Coach Bryant responded, “Your man was running for six points, my man was running for his life.”

Disobedience is dangerous.  It places us in compromising situations and jeopardizes our relationship with God.  Our Heavenly Coach knows what is best for our lives and when we negotiate His plan for our plan we will always end up running in the wrong direction.  Stick to God’s plan- it brings victory.

It is a great deal easier to do that which God gives us, no matter how hard it is than to face the responsibilities of not doing it” – BJ Miller

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May 2- Greater Love Hath No Man


Petty Officer Michael Monsoor is probably not a name you are familiar with- but he is a hero.  Monsoor was part of a dedicated team of Navy Seals fighting the insurgents in Iraq.  In 2006, he was stationed at a sniper lookout in eastern Ramadi, Iraq with three other Navy Seals.  Suddenly a grenade was tossed into their station by an insurgent.   Immediately Monsoor threw himself atop the grenade saving the lives of his friends.

When interviewed by the Associated Press, one of the Navy Seals said this of Monsoor, “He never took his eye off the grenade, his only movement was down toward it…He undoubtedly saved my life of the other Seal’s lives, we owe him.”

This selfless and sacrificial act of heroism is a stirring reminder of the love and mercy of Jesus Christ.  He died so that we might live.  He took our sins, our shame, and our guilt and bore it at the cross of Calvary.  Jesus Himself described the greatest act of love, “Greater love hath no man than this, that a many lay down his life for his friends” (John 15:13).  May we honor the sacrifice of Michael Monsoor as a token of the greatest love ever shown- Christ’s love to us.

But God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us” – Romans 5:8

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May 1- Too Important Not to Share


Several years ago the Mercedes Benz automobile company developed technology that helped their vehicles better absorb the impact of front-end collisions.  This was a revolutionary and industry-changing advancement in car design.  Although they owned the rights to this newly-designed machinery, they felt compelled to share it with other automobile manufacturers in the interest of public safety.

To promote the new technology Mercedes released a series of advertisements explaining to the public their desire to make the technology an industry standard.  In the campaign they explained, “Some things in life are too important not to share.”

The same is true with the Gospel of Jesus Christ.  The greatest message anyone can ever hear is that Jesus Christ died for their sins and rose from the grave victoriously.  You see, the technology designed by Mercedes was developed to save more lives; but the message of Christ was divinely designed to save the souls of men.

If you have been genuinely saved by the grace of God, you will want others to know the life-changing message which is the Gospel!  Tell someone about Jesus today- there are some things too important not to share.

The Great Commission is not an option to be considered; it is a command that is to be obeyed” – Hudson Taylor

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April 30- Failure to Communicate


There was a disgruntled couple who decided to give one another the cold treatment.  They both refused to say a word to each other and neither one wanted to be the first to speak.  Realizing his alarm clock was broken he wrote a letter to his wife and said, “Wake me when you get up at 5 o’clock in the morning, or I will be late for my appointment.”

When the man woke up around 7 o’clock he realized he had missed his meeting.  Next to his note was a note from his wife that read, “It’s 5 o’clock dummy- wake up.”

Communication is the key to any successful relationship.  Without the proper communication no one will ever know where you stand or how you feel about anything in life.  According to recent research from the Harvard Business Review, “The number one criterion for advancement and promotion among professionals is an ability to communicate effectively.”

If you fail to communicate you have simply failed.  If that is true in business, athletics, and education it is certainly true in your marriage.  Choose your words wisely; articulate your words lovingly, and examine your words consistently.

What you are speaks so loudly that I cannot hear what you say” – Ralph Waldo Emerson

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